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Jul 2017 - Drones are Coming

Drones Transforming Exploration Mapping

Many of us have seen the videos taken by drones of mine and exploration properties presented at conferences in about the past two years by companies such as Carbine (CRB) etc, however in mid-June I saw the next stage, namely that of mapping being used by Alto Metals (AME) at their almost wholly owned Sandstone goldfield in WA.

Jul 2017 - Read Old Workings

Learning how to Read Old Workings

As the Australian gold mining industry passes through another phase of goldfield revival, I continue to be amazed that many do not seem able to read the old workings, but have to admit that I have never seen a course on that subject.

Nov 2017 - High Grade Thrusts

Some Orebodies may have two High Grade Plunge Directions

The following comments are based purely on observation, but to some degree what started this was my observation that an old black & white section by Dominion through Meekatharra closely resembled that of its section through the Westralia pit of Mt Morgans.