The Australian Treasury gave their first RSPT (Resource Super Profit Tax) presentation in Sydney on 24 May 2010, as part of a trip until June 11 around the major cities in Australia. The following comment is based on notes I made in the presentation together with the handout, and the responses to various questions. (KG Note : Two of the main presenters stated in the coffee break that they were new or relatively new to the resource industry and all its finer aspects, but welcomed consultation.
There were 3 presenters on a panel-type table: the main guy who when the questioning became detailed referred to an older/greyer man, and a lady, together with some other people from the Treasury with roving mikes. I asked the two main presenters if they had a business card for further queries, discussion on royalties & depreciation, but they have no cards as yet as they have only been in this job for ~1month).
It was insisted that this is a new tax that replaces and simplifies the State Revenue royalties (typically ~ 2.5% of revenue). Its simplicity is clearly shown in Figure 1 (KG Note: one line in a spreadsheet now may need to have its own spreadsheet). Some more profitable companies will pay more, some will pay less but it is simpler and fairer (KG Note: it sounded like the original GST argument).