Pan Australian Resources NL (PNA) – Starting Gold (and later Copper) Production in Laos from March 2005
- PNA is still relatively on-track for the targets it gave in July 2003, with the BFS on the Phu Bia Gold Project expected to be completed in July 2004, and 1.5mt to 2.0mtpa heap-leach initial production from the Phu Kham (PK) gold cap targeted to commence at 50,000ozpa to 70,000ozpa during the first quarter of 2005.
- For the Phu Kham copper-gold orebody, the current concept is to complete the BFS by mid-2005, for a 9mtpa to 12.5mtpa operation producing >60,000tpa copper and >50,000ozpa gold or so in concentrates, starting possibly by mid-2007.
- Both Projects have the capability of producing higher grades in their initial years, which could result in higher production, improved cashflows and lower pay-back times.
- The Phu Bia Gold heap-leach plant is expected to be located between the PK gold cap and the Long Chieng Track (LCT) gold deposit. LCT is expected to be treated after the gold cap, followed by Ban Houayxai (BH). Gold resources as at 4 June 2004 are 570,000oz, and are expected to be upgraded further from the current drilling of the gold cap resulting in revisions to the BFS in July, and ahead of final pit designs in September 2004.
- Construction has been timed to occur between the “wet” seasons. With all approvals expected to have been received by mid-October 2004, so that main construction can occur from October 2004 to January 2005, stacking of heaps in February 2005, and the first gold pour in March 2005.