Black Cat Syndicate (BC8) – IPO to Explore the Queen Margaret Mines Area of Bulong
The Black Cat Syndicate have acquired (subject to approvals) most of the historic Bulong Goldfield, located only ~25km east of Kalgoorlie in WA. The Bulong Goldfield was centred on the Queen Margaret Gold Mine which officially produced ~76koz of gold from ~61kt of ore at ~39g/t (per the Queen Margaret 1979 prospectus), mostly between ~1897 & 1913. Given that gold was first discovered there in 1893, estimates of an extra >30koz have been made.
The Bulong Goldfield was notoriously rich in visible gold, reporting on at least 3 occasions the discovery of ~400oz "slugs" of pure visible gold (there is even a Slug Hill Prospect), and a few occasions of ~70oz/t being mined (from mines ~100ft or 200ft below surface), with the above picture of visible gold coming from waste dumps in the area.
After intersecting 3m @ 31.4g/t, 2m @ 38.4g/t, 9m @ 9.3g/t & 10m @ 7g/t at the Anomaly 38 prospect in DQ00 and MQ01, Anglogold concluded that the Bulong Project had the potential to host narrow-vein high-grade Kundana-style deposits which did not meet Anglogold's (then) requirements and hence the farm-in was sold back to General Gold Resources (NB: At the time, Anglogold dropped SLR's Daisy Milano for only potentially having ~1moz in resources)
At least 3 parallel N/S striking lodes were identified in the Queen Margaret Mines' Area by Maitland in 1919, linking into both NW/SE and NNE/SSW (similar to Cannon further south), lode structures. In 1901, an exploration cross-cut was driven ~400m (1330ft) east on 600ft level over ~13mths, intersecting at least 3 gold-containing lodes and a number of mineralised zones before reaching its target. The mine closed in 1908 possibly due to water inflow.
The Queen Margaret Mine spread over 1.5km of strike had two main lodes being the Main lode and the East lode. The parallel East lode was developed on 3 levels but ignored because its average grade at 10g/t to 12g/t was regarded as too low (typical cut-off grades at that time were ~18g/t to 22g/t). Most of the 500ft level was similarly apparently not stoped, because its grades were "too low" (<20g/t). QM has been dormant for over 100yrs.
The Queen Margaret Area appears to be another overlooked, unloved gold mine area. Two drillholes ~1km apart were drilled east-west in the late 1940's (post WW11) that sealed its fate until the 1980s, when Spargos became interested. But Spargos apparently only wanted Queen Margaret Mines for its 50% holding in Bellevue, deeming underground operations as too costly & focusing on open-cuts soon after the JV, and later acquisition.