Independence Gold NL (IGO) – Hitting the Jackpot !
- On 7 August 2003, we visited IGO’s Long Nickel mine and its new underground development at Gibb South, with a small group of brokers, analysts, fund managers, and the media.
- Initial grades had been regarded as relatively disappointing in the 5% to 6%Ni vicinity, compared to the drillhole intersections at about 7% to 10%Ni, but IGO had recently encountered a horizontal “seam” or lode of massive ore averaging 21%Ni (some samples are ~27%Ni). This seam was observed (by us) to be about 10cm to 2m thick, overlain by up to 1.5m of disseminated 4%Ni, as shown in Figure 1.
- This latest nickel mineralisation is clearly bonanza, jackpot-style. However, the prize is perceived to be Victor South which has widths of massive ore up to 30m of 3% to 7%Ni, and a number of 10m at 10%Ni drillhole intersections. Development production could start by June 2004 after completing the remaining 1.8km to be driven in the improving ground conditions towards the south, by April 2004.
- The budget forecast for 2003/04 is 150,000t at 3.3%Ni and should be the worst case scenario since the grade has been reduced by 10% from the 3.6% expected (based on the feasibility study of an average ~3.45% from Long, plus sweeteners). There is 2,000t of Gibb South on the ROM pad at 6% to 7% Ni, and the production tonnage may also have been reduced by 10% with 41,000t treated in JQ03.